Why are hardcover books expensive?
Print books from Blurb Books may seem expensive due to the nature of print-on-demand (POD) technology. Unlike traditional bulk printing, POD prints books one at a time, which increases production costs per book. Additionally, Blurb uses high-quality materials, which further contribute to the price. While this results in higher individual costs, it avoids the financial and environmental waste of unsold inventory, making it a more sustainable and flexible option for independent publishing.
Who is Blurb Books (blurb.com)?
Blurb Books is a print-on-demand platform that enables Surfari Press to print high-quality, custom books one at a time. This flexible approach helps save costs by avoiding large print runs and the need for warehouse storage. Additionally, by printing books as they are ordered, Surfari Press supports environmental conservation by reducing waste and minimising the carbon footprint associated with traditional publishing methods.